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Coventry Animal Hospital

Small white dog running through grass with an orange chew toy in its mouth

Appointments & Pet Surgeries

Veterinarian Appointment

Two Gray Cats on a Grassy Field


Our appointment book is computerized which allows us to efficiently make appointments for you and your pet. Our receptionists and team will attempt to accommodate all requests to the best of our ability.

Please plan to arrive 5-10 minutes early for your scheduled appointment. This will allow our staff the time needed to gather the necessary information needed to address your pet's specific needs.

Coventry Animal Hospital offers the surrounding animal community comprehensive wellness exams, tailor-made vaccine protocols, in-house laboratory testing, radiology services, routine surgery services and an intensive care ward for critical cases. We also have relationships with a variety of board-certified specialists including radiologists, internists, cardiologists, and orthopedic surgeons.

Two hands holding an elderly dog's face with its eyes closed


If you feel you have an emergency with your pet, please call us at the hospital immediately. If possible it is best to call before coming in so that a staff member can advise you on your particular emergency. We may not always have a doctor on staff even though the hospital is open. Some types of emergencies may be better handled by an emergency hospital.

Pet Surgeries

Cat laying down in the sun outside

Scheduling a Surgical Appointment

Surgical procedures are performed most every day of the week between the hours of 8:30am and 2:30pm.

Detailed estimates can be prepared by request for any surgical procedure.

All surgical patients should have had pre-operative bloodwork drawn in the two weeks prior to the procedure. It will be run the morning of for those patients that have not had it done in advance. This bloodwork is done to screen all surgical patients for underlying diseases or abnormalities that might cause undue surgical risk.

Types of Surgeries Performed

  • Feline/Canine Spay (ovariohysterectomy): During this abdominal, surgical procedure, the uterus and ovaries are removed from a female animal. The pet is placed under general anesthesia for this procedure.

    **Please note: We have your pet’s best interests in mind and will not spay a female dog that is “in heat”. Please schedule a spay appointment around your dog’s estrus cycle.

  • Feline/Canine Neuter (orchiectomy or castration): During this surgical procedure, the testicles are removed from the male animal. The pet is placed under general anesthesia for this procedure. Surgery may be performed on male pets where one or both testicles have not descended. This is called a uni-lateral or bi-lateral cryptorchid neuter.

  • Umbilical Hernia Repair: Some pets are born with an umbilical hernia which can be repaired at the time of their spay or neuter surgery.

  • Growth Removal

  • Dental Procedures

  • Cystotomy

  • Please Contact Us if Your Procedure Is Not Listed