Coventry Animal Hospital
Admissions - All surgical admissions are expected between 7:30am and 8:00am the day of surgery, unless other arrangements have been made. All patients should be fasted from midnight the night before. They may have water up until the morning of their procedure. Surgical admissions forms - please leave time the morning of your pet's surgery to fill out a pre-operative admission form with one of our technicians. This is an important time to go over the details of your pet's procedure to be sure that all of your expectations are met ( for example, this would be the time to point out specifically which growths you would like removed today).
Wellness exams - All surgical patients must have had a current wellness exam by one of our veterinarians 6 months prior to the procedure. If not, one will be done as part of your pets pre-surgical work-up.
Pre-surgical Work-up - This includes pre-operative exam along with pre-operative bloodwork. Bloodwork evaluates critical parameters prior to anesthesia to be sure that the patient can handle the medications used to induce and maintain anesthesia. Anesthesia protocols and surgical procedures are often based on the findings of these reports.
Post-operative updates - The surgery technician will be calling at the end of all surgeries to advise you on the status of your pet. Updates are texted/called according to the admitting paperwork.
Surgical discharges - Surgery technicians/doctors will call when they have all charges entered and paperwork complete to go over discharge instructions. At this time, surgery technicians will provide you with a time to pick up your pet. This is the time to ask any questions that you may have. If you know that your pet is a licker or chewer now is the time to ask for an Elizabethan collar if one has not already suggested - we do not want sutures removed before its time!
Updates - You can expect to receive a post-operative call from our staff within 24 hours of your pet's discharge. If you have any questions or concerns after a surgery please feel free to contact out staff.
Re-checks - Rechecks vary based on the type of surgical procedure done and are typically included in the price of the initial surgery. Consult your discharge instructions for the timing of these rechecks including any suture or staple removals.
**Please be available by phone at all times the day of your pet's surgery! One of our doctors or staff members may be calling with updates, questions or concerns and cannot proceed in certain situations without your consent.**